THS: The Production Assistant

A blog where you can experience the ins and outs of the film biz in NYC through the eyes of someone starting from the bottom up (with a few celebrity sighting puzzles along the way).

Monday, January 08, 2007

PATH you have finally failed me

So I live in New Jersey now. Many of you know this of course. Before I moved here, or anywhere off the Island, my only reservation was being outside of the Island with a body of water between me and most of the jobs I was going to have in the future. People told me it wasn't a big deal, the PATH runs smoothly (except for late night hours when it only comes every 30 min.) and plus you will have much more room in your apartment. I would agree with all of those things up until today.

Today I had my interview for the new film I will be starting next week (yes, I got the job). The interview was at 11am. I checked how to get to the production office and I figured it would take around 45 minutes to get out to Brooklyn. Not convenient, but not terrible. The F train thankfully hooks up with the PATH at 14th st., and from there it was a straight shot to the stop I needed. So I leave my apartment at 10:05, easily enough time right? Wrong. The PATH line going towards 33rd st, the one I need and the only one I have ever used, has a GAS leak and the entire line is shut down. Immediate thought, great! First impression from the people hopefully giving me a job is that I am going to be late...maybe. The only other option from here is to take the World Trade Center line (which I have never taken before and I had no clue where it left me). I was not excited by this, but I was not dismayed. I figured I left with enough time to cover unforeseen circumstances like this.

Well, I was wrong. An hour and a half later, and one extra train that I wouldn't have needed, I am walking through the rain totally late. Now also, for those of you who know me well, I hate to be late. I LOATHE it. I have clocks everywhere in my apartment. I set six alarms when I have to get up early in the morning. It makes me irritable to be late. I will get places early and then do a few laps of walking around the block to waste time.

Thankfully though, my new bosses were very cool and they already knew about the PATH gas leak. I got the job. They told me about the film briefly. No names are attached yet because all the offers are still out (see: worried faces). But I do have the script and I have read about thirty pages so far.'s pretty awful. I think I got less intelligent after reading it. It's a teenage thriller. You know, those movies that teenagers love and they make a lot of money, but no one else likes them? Yeah, that's this film. When you see the trailers for those films you say to the person sitting next to you "Wow, that looks awful." Well, imagine reading the script for one. I can't even explain it.

A paycheck is a paycheck though. At least I'll get to run around in the subway tunnels.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


I have a new job. Well, I am on the precipice of getting a new job. By tomorrow morning at 11:08am I should have my new job to work on. It will be six weeks long which is nice because a lot of pilots and other films will be starting in early March. But the bad part is I have no idea who is in it or what it is really about. The only thing listed on IMDB is the director, a few producers, and that is classified as a "thriller."

Other pieces of the puzzle that I can surmise from the limited information I have gotten is that I need to go for two days of Subway Safety Training. That's right, I need to go through two days of safety training because we will be shooting in the subway tunnels! I can't decide, is this cool or is this going to kind of suck? Supposedly a bunch of kids are being chased and part of it takes place in the tunnels. Am I just going to be taught what and what not to walk on? Like, that thing is about move if you touch, so don't touch it. It's also a little troubling that no cast is listed. It starts shooting two weeks from tomorrow so either A) the people in charge of this kind of thing are slacking or B) (which is a little scarier) they don't have most of the parts cast. I can't believe that B could be the answer. No way you get this far and not have the main parts cast. I think they are just slacking.

I'm sure I'll get more info tomorrow morning. Hopefully.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Merry 2008!

It's 2008 and I don't know what to do with myself. Do I change something about my daily routine? Was I supposed to give something up? Well, if I was supposed to, then I didn't. So THERE!

Ok, ok, so we are really back to where we were last year around this time. Currently I am unemployed for the year 2008. Any possible employers out there send me an email or call me! I'm available!!

But seriously, I really have nothing to do and I'm trying not to spend money in these first few dry weeks of the production season. Usually nothing really happens in terms of production until mid-January or even February but so much is coming into the city soon that things will pick up. Gotta love those tax incentives.

I finished the year on a high note with a smaller independent film with a few celebrities. It was an easy job especially after four months on that craptastic failure of a tv show for a network that will remain nameless (they still only know what they are doing on one night of the week, the other 6 days they are left wanting). Being on an indie can sometimes be tedious because the resources are lacking, but this one was fun and I enjoyed everyone surrounding me. For the most part, the people were cool and nice, and the days went by rather fast.

Now we move onto 2008. I'm sure it will be a good year. I'm confident 2008 will be a GREAT year. But before the year really gets started, I decided to start a new blog. I'll probably update that one more than this one, but I'll try to keep it equal. You can find it on the right sidebar or right here: Pictures Not Porn.

Like I said, my cell phone is on...all the time. Please call.