THS: The Production Assistant

A blog where you can experience the ins and outs of the film biz in NYC through the eyes of someone starting from the bottom up (with a few celebrity sighting puzzles along the way).

Sunday, January 07, 2007


I have a new job. Well, I am on the precipice of getting a new job. By tomorrow morning at 11:08am I should have my new job to work on. It will be six weeks long which is nice because a lot of pilots and other films will be starting in early March. But the bad part is I have no idea who is in it or what it is really about. The only thing listed on IMDB is the director, a few producers, and that is classified as a "thriller."

Other pieces of the puzzle that I can surmise from the limited information I have gotten is that I need to go for two days of Subway Safety Training. That's right, I need to go through two days of safety training because we will be shooting in the subway tunnels! I can't decide, is this cool or is this going to kind of suck? Supposedly a bunch of kids are being chased and part of it takes place in the tunnels. Am I just going to be taught what and what not to walk on? Like, that thing is about move if you touch, so don't touch it. It's also a little troubling that no cast is listed. It starts shooting two weeks from tomorrow so either A) the people in charge of this kind of thing are slacking or B) (which is a little scarier) they don't have most of the parts cast. I can't believe that B could be the answer. No way you get this far and not have the main parts cast. I think they are just slacking.

I'm sure I'll get more info tomorrow morning. Hopefully.


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