THS: The Production Assistant

A blog where you can experience the ins and outs of the film biz in NYC through the eyes of someone starting from the bottom up (with a few celebrity sighting puzzles along the way).

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Even when you know, you never know

Friday was an easy day. I received a call late Thursday to work an additional day on a film that had been done shooting for over two months. Basically all the production company needed were some "plate shots" (shots of cars driving behind what we are led to believe as the car where the stars are in). Like I said, very easy day. Drove around with a cop as he blocked traffic for us as well as letting us do pretty much anything else with the cameras.

The semi-exciting part of the day didn't come until the end of the night. So I get back to the production office and I realize, since this is the same building that the offices of the last film I worked on where in, that I don't have a security card. When I get out of the elevator, instead of calling someone to come let me in, I just knocked on the door. Two guys had their backs to me and one turned around once he saw I couldn't get in. As soon as he turned around, I'm like "You have go to be kidding me. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool." He opens the door, I say thanks, and I walk by to a cubicle about fifteen feet away where I can sit and do my paperwork (also to stay close and just randomly listen to what these guys were saying). In retrospect they didn't say much of anything, just random chit-chat.

Ok, Ok, so who were the guys? Hmmm, well, let's see. The guy who did not open the door was in a film with a very popular male actor a few years ago. The film was about a life that was bought, then watched by the world. The name of the film had a president's name in the title and it was the second word of the title. If you are still following me, then keep going. If you have the film, the actor was best friends with the main actor. Well, I guess he "played" the guy's best friend in the film.

And now onto the guy who opened the door for me. Like I said earlier, I was just trying to "be cool" for the split second that I was going to walk by the guy, which I did, but it was still nerve wracking. This actor I actually know and I think he has done some really great films. One of which had the name of the country we live in and a roman numeral. Oddly enough, before going out last night, the film was on one of the cable movie channels and I couldn't help but watch for a little bit.

So Friday was an overall boring day with a pretty cool ending. I realize that the "cool ending" wasn't all that significant, but it was unexpected and still pretty damn...well...



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