THS: The Production Assistant

A blog where you can experience the ins and outs of the film biz in NYC through the eyes of someone starting from the bottom up (with a few celebrity sighting puzzles along the way).

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Gods Must Be Crazy

Did anyone read my previous post? Did you see what I rambled about for almost the whole entry? Yeah, well forget it. Ok, so forget most of it. The last few days have effectively showed the up and down world of the freelance Production Assistant.

On Friday, within 45 minutes, I received two calls for upcoming work. The first was in reference to a pilot for a major network (they used to make a show about a place "where everyone knows your name). The show is basically like "24" but with a premise that is much more like that of the movie "Ransom" with Mel Gibson. That job was for Saturday, it was good pay, possibility of overtime, and not too much work, so I of course took it. The second job opportunity came from someone I worked with in the summer. This one would be actually for free (!!), but I would be the 1st Assistant Director for a music video this Friday (and I can't even play the name-that-band game with this one because the guy who called mumbled their name and only said that they currently have a video on MTV that plays a lot. Which is to say, it plays on MTV After Hours since MTV never plays full videos during daylight hours anymore).

The Network pilot actually worked out better than I could have expected. The first good thing that happened was, when halfway through the day, I was asked to talk to the 2nd AD. She proceeded to tell me that the PA in charge of all the extras had to leave midway through the day and since I had experience with extras (another PA I just got done working with on the film suggested my name on set to the AD department) could I take over for her. I, of course, said yes. Besides giving me something meaningful to do during a day of freezing rain and eventually snow, it was good to have something to do that I could prove my worth to this new crop of AD's in my world. By the end of the day, the 2nd 2nd AD pulled me aside and asked, if the pilot was picked up by the network, would I want to run background (the extras). The girl who had to leave early already took a better job so the position is open, and this is of course all contingent on the show being picked up. Sooooo that was a positive day in my world.

Today I was called three times. One was for an interview with the AD Department regarding the film I have verbally committed to at the end of the month, the second was to be an additional on the network pilot again tomorrow (nice), and the third was for another film that is being produced at the same time as the first film (with the prospect, after an interview with the AD's, that I could possibly be a Key PA or a 2nd 2nd AD since it is non-union).

I have a lot on my plate, and within a matter of days I was converted from complete boredom to juggling phone calls.

Alright, I'll stop patting myself on the back. But, yes, this is the life that I have chosen to follow.

It's crazy. It's interesting. It's always changing.


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