THS: The Production Assistant

A blog where you can experience the ins and outs of the film biz in NYC through the eyes of someone starting from the bottom up (with a few celebrity sighting puzzles along the way).

Monday, October 17, 2005

It’s all about what You see and Hear
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of driving while working. If something needs to get done, I usually pack some cd’s and make my way out into the wonderful New York City traffic. Thankfully this week looks to be a little less wet so going on runs aren’t as difficult and taxing.

This morning I was able to go to a few different sound stages and take pictures for the film. We are in need of space that will double as a Music Awards show area, as well as some dressing rooms so I got to take my camera out and be all by my lonesome for about three hours.

Most of the places I sent were pretty empty, as they were either gearing up for a new production or they were cleaning out one. (I think one just finished a White Stripes video the day before, but I’m not completely sure).

The first one, however, was easily the coolest. Current shows that film their range from feature films to bigger HBO series like The Sopranos as well as Sex in the City (when it was on). Silvercup Studios is the name and in my mind, is probably more recognizable because of its role in one of the better 80’s sci-fi movies around. “Highlander” used the rooftop and interior stages for the final scenes of the film and since I’ve seen the film WAY too many times, I thought it was pretty damn cool to be walking around where thousands of pieces of glass shattered 20 years before. And yes, I know how lame that sounds, but it’s the little things that can get you through the day.

I’ve been trying to catch up on my movie rentals with my new Netflix subscription so I pounded out two more over the weekend: “Million Dollar Baby” and Y Tu Mama Tambien.” I haven’t seen both even though I have heard so much about either of them. I must say I’m usually not a fan of Clint Eastwood and his directing style, which is why it has taken me so long to see his latest. I don’t know, I just don’t believe the hype when people call him such a great director. Usually when I think of a great director I think more stylistically along with the story as opposed to a purely great story and minimal input from the director (which is what I feel Eastwood does a lot: great stores…kind of boring direction). I do have to say that I thought “Million Dollar Baby” had more style and creativity that most of his previous works. It was a good film, and I’m glad I saw it finally. Kind of a downer though. “Y Tu Mama Tambien” I watched for…ummm…about 35 minutes before I turned to my roommate and asked if she actually cared what happened. We both agreed that we didn’t. it takes a lot for me to not finish a film and I sent this one packing without getting halfway through. The combination of the subtitles and lack of conflict (or anything happening of interest for that matter) didn’t make me want to watch it further. I didn’t think it was horrible but people talked it up so much so I expected much more. I mean, people thought “The English Patient” was good too.

Yeah, not really.


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